Vintage motorcycle links

The links on this page are simply sites that I have enjoyed visiting. Often they are a little obscure, but usually they are comprehensive and carefully put together. I hope you enjoy some of them.

For a change from the usual style of browsing old bike sites, try investigating some early photos in library databases. See my photo links page.

My local club is the Veteran and Vintage Motor Cycle Club of South Australia. Still in SA, you can catch a glimpse of the early days of motorcycling in the photo archive of the State Library of South Australia. I'm also a member of The Antique Motorcycle Club of Australia and the Veteran Car Club of South Australia.

The definitive "A-Z of Australian-made Motorcycles 1893-1942" by Robert Saward is now out of print. Start searching for a used copy.

Brough Superior Motorcycles is one of my favourite sites: not just Broughs but all sorts of interesting people and machines (even Scotts!). Be sure to spend some time checking out the "memories" section. Also in the UK is the large and interesting site Lots of interesting photos to look through, and one of the few active vintage motorcycling forums on the web. Nick Harrison recently pointed me to his Advance of Nothhampton site, which I enjoyed enormously. Have some old Advance bits lying aroud? Nick's your man.  The Bike Sheds offer a complete - if a little dated - guide to vintage motorcycling in the UK, with an interesting collection of articles and photos.

There are a couple of nice sites for Rudge stuff - mostly vintage and post-vintage but but still worth a look. The first is Mr Rudge, a site dedicated to the memory of Helmut Krackowizer. Very personal and engaging.  IRM Technologies, who manufacture new parts for old Rudges, have some lovely photos of early Multis. The Rudge Enthusiasts Club web site is worth a visit.

If you speak a little French, you might enjoy La Memoire Terrot-Dijon, a comprehensive site devoted to Terrot motorcycles. Be sure to look at the posters ("affiches" in French) on this site. The links page ("liens" in French) is a good starting point for looking at vintage motorcycle sites in Europe. While you are practicing your French, try the Moto Club du Lion (Peugeot motorcycles), Vintage Harley Davidson from 1903 to 1929 , the Ultima site, or the large and interesting Histoire de la Moto site. Also in Europe, but in English, is Minerva Motocyclettes 1900 - 1909 and the interesting Norwegian site Old Motorcycles (this site seems to work only with Internet Explorer, and then only when you allow pop-ups) ) - lots of interesting American machines, although I prefer the little Motosacoches. If you want to practice your Dutch (OK... the photos are really interesting, and there's info in English) try the Veteraan Moteren Club.This Belgian oldtimers site has a great gallery of bike photos, taken at recent rallies.

The web presence of FN motorcycles is growing. Jacques Maertens has an excellent  FN Oldtimers site - in English. If you want to practice your German (or just look at the lovely pictures) try Freidel's Seite or Interressengemeinschaft der F.NFN Motorcyklar is in Swedish, but contains material of interest to FN devotees. An interesting selection of material relating to FNs and other Belgian motorcycles is available at the Belgische Veteraan Moteren site. The modern-day Herstal Group has put up some most interesting historical pages.

Interesting one-marque sites are Norton Motorcycle Singles page, Joe Stephan's Ace Site, Tim Spacke's marvellous Spacke Deluxe site, the Flying Merkel pages, and The Henderson Motorcycle Marque .

In the US, take the Museum Tour at the AMCA which now includes the One Man's Passion site. Statnekov Motorcycles has material on early American racing motorcycles, and Gregory Walter has put together some interesting pages on Thor motorcycles. The Maine Memory Network has but up some information about the bikes in the Seal Cove Auto Museum - some lovely early American bikes. If you see something you like, be sure to play with the cool "zoom" feature!

I don't want to get too commercial, but if you want to buy an old bike, try Verralls in the UK or Yesterdays in the Netherlands (don't forget to look at the Yesterdays Motor Archive while you're there). Both dealers have a nice - and changing - selection of bikes for sale. We can always dream...

There are some marvelous museums around the world. We recently lost the Otis Chandler collection (now dispersed into private hands), but there are a number of nice museums still in the USA, such as the marvelous Wheels Through Time collection, the National Motorcycle Museum, and the Solvang Vintage Motorcycle Museum. The Southward Car Museum in New Zealand, despite its name, has an excellent collection of bikes, including an FN four. If you want something seroiusly out of the ordinary (but not really old), have a browse through this interesting Museum in the Czech Republic, or this one in Austria. Not surprisingly, the Wolverhampton Museum of Industry has a fine site relating to motorcycles built in the local area. AJS, Sunbeam, HRD, Clyno and a host of others are very nicely presented. In particular, be sure not to miss the fascinating story of the Pen Nib motorcycle.

The Bodleian Library at Oxford University has a lovely collection of veteran motorcycling literature on the web, including very high resolution images from sales brochures for early Ariel, Rover, Triumph, Minerva etc.

Finally, if these links are a bit old and weird for you, try a links page like Classic and Vintage Motorcycle Links, or perhaps the Classic Motorcycle Webring:

Classic Motorcycle Webring 
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Leon Mitchell

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